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Articles in press and Articles in process

Perspective Article:  RRJFPDT
Consumption of Eating Junk Foods
Ki Hyeong
Perspective Article:  RRJFPDT
Controlling Micro Organisms in Organic Farming
Marietta Balotelli
Review Article:  RRJFPDT
Significance of Genetic Casein Polymorphism in Animal Husbandry
Prabrisha Chatterjee*
Review Article:  RRJFPDT
A Review of Polyphenol-Starch Interaction on Human Digestive Enzymes, Glycemic Index, Antioxidant Properties, Physico-Chemical Properties, and Food Product Quality
Haamid Mujtabaa, Bhanwar Lal Jat, Adil Gani
Review Article:  RRJFPDT
Pulse Electric Field Processing: A Sustainable Solution for Food Preservation
Reshu Rajput*, Sakshi Chauhan, Shivani Verma, Priyanshu Thakur
Commentary:  RR J Food Dairy Technol
Battling the Unseen Culprits: The Ongoing Struggle Against Food- Borne Pathogens
Siham Soulaimi*
Commentary:  RR J Food Dairy Technol
Beyond Taste: The Multifaceted Nature of Food Quality
Siham Soulaimi*
Perspective Article:   RRJ Food Dairy Technol
Application of High-Pressure Processing in Dairy for Texture Optimization
Garret Stanton*
Commentary:   RRJ Food Dairy Technol
Biotechnological Innovations in the Development of Low-Calorie Dairy Products
Christian Wuckert
Opinion Article:   RRJ Food Dairy Technol
Effect of Non-Thermal Processing on Nutrient Retention in Dairy and Food Products
Susana Bode*
Perspective Article:   RRJ Food Dairy Technol
Enzymatic Catalysis in Dairy and Food Processing for Quality Improvement
Shannon Feest
Commentary:   RRJ Food Dairy Technol
Genomic Enhancements in Dairy Cattle for Optimizing Milk Composition and Yield
Darrick Rogahn*