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Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (111)
image Transgenic crops and the environment
image Diversity of pond ecosystem and its components: a mini-review
image Tissue culture and genetic transformation in sesame
image Application of sesquiterpene (ga3) to spermology: a contradictory report
image Development of reproducible regeneration and transformation system for sesamum indicum
image Controlled release of plant hormones for modifying crop yield
image  evaluation of chickpea cultivation approaches in terms of environmental resilience and future protein security
image Plant derived pesticides in control of lepidopteran insects: dictum and directions
image Plant derived pesticides in control of lepidopteran insects: dictum and directions
image Research article open access influence of dietary habits on health risk factors
image  influence of dietary habits on health risk factors
image  research article open access in vitro screening for antagonistic potential of seven species of trichoderma against different plant pathogenic fungi
image Sreening of trichoderma species for virulence efficacy on seven most predominant phytopathogens.
image In vitro screening for antagonistic potential of seven species of trichoderma against different plant pathogenic fungi
image Antagonistic assessment of trichoderma spp. by producing volatile and non-volatile compounds against different fungal pathogens
image  appropriate nutrient economy in phragmites australis at different phases of estuarine succession
image Analyzing plant biometrics in dense monospecific reedswamps is reliable even by using rather small sampling frames
image A comparison of the functional traits of phragmites australis in lake burullus (a ramsar site in egypt): young vs. old populations over the nutrient availability gradient
image Conservation activities of women in nyangores forest station, mau conservancy, kenya
image Tree composition and ecological structure of akak forest area