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Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (111)
image The anatolian high-mountain ranges – plant diversity between two seas
image Genetic variation and population differentiation of dorystaechas hastata endemic to turkey: implications for conservation management
image Genetic variation and population differentiation of dorystaechas hastata endemic to turkey: implications for conservation management
image Assessment of heavy metals in faecal pellets of blue rock pigeon from rural and industrial environment in india.
image Differences in senescence of late endothelial progenitor cells in non-smokers and smokers.
image Effects of gamma-low dose irradiation on skin flap survival in rats
image  increased circulating endothelial progenitor cells (epcs) in prepubertal children born prematurely: a possible link between prematurity and cardiovascular risk.
image Purification, characterization and optimization conditions of protease produced by aspergillus brasiliensis strain bcw2
image Biological action of piper nigrum - the king of spices
image Herbal challenge for wound healing - a traditional review
image  the insecticidal potential of piper ribesioides (piperales: piperaceae) extracts and isolated allelochemicals and their impact on the detoxification enzymes of spodoptera exigua (lepidoptera: noctuidae)
image Herbicidal activities of compounds isolated from the medicinal plant piper sarmentosum
image New chemical constituents from the piper betle linn. (piperaceae)
image Assam silk: sericulture
image  in vitro characterization of bioactive compounds extracted from sea urchin (stomopneustes variolaris) using green and conventional techniques
image  in vitro characterization of bioactive compounds extracted from sea urchin (stomopneustes variolaris) using green and conventional techniques
image Cadmium effects on embryo growth of pea seeds during germination: investigation of the mechanisms of interference of the heavy metal with protein mobilization-related factors.
image Diversity of enset landraces ( ensete ventricosum (welw) cheesman) in aleta chuko district, sidama zone , south nation nationality people and regional state, ethiopia
image Bioactive assessment of the antioxidative and antidiabetic activities of oleanane triterpenoid isolates of sprouted quinoa yoghurt beverages and their anti-angiogenic effects on huvecs line
image Effect of saponins from quinoa on a skin-mimetic lipid monolayer containing cholesterol.