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Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (111)
image The composition and diversity of natural regeneration of tree species in gaps under different intensities of forest disturbance
image Throughfall at an abandoned skid trail in a tropical rain forest in peninsular malaysia
image Diversity of tree species in gap regeneration under tropical moist semi-deciduous forest: an example from bia tano forest reserve
image Trichoderma viride bioactive peptaibol induces apoptosis in aspergillus niger infecting tilapia in fish farms
image The antagonistic activity of actinomycetes of streptomyces genus in relation to trichoderma koningii
image Biological effects of two trichoderma harzianum isolates and mint oil on some postharvest fungal pathogens of sugar beet
image Application of various species of trichoderma spp. in composting cocoa pod husk contaminated phytophthora palmivora
image Biocontrol and plant growth promoting potential of trichoderma yunnanense
image Bio‐control potential of trichoderma spp., against fusarium spp., the incitants of pokkah boeng disease of sugarcane under in‐vitro conditions
image Bio‐control potential of trichoderma spp., against fusarium spp., the incitants of pokkah boeng disease of sugarcane under in‐vitro conditions
image  diversity of fungi isolated from coffee farms in kenya
image A novel chitosan biopolymer based trichoderma delivery system: storage stability, persistence and bio efficacy against seed and soil borne diseases of oilseed crops.
image Bioactive secondary metabolites of trichoderma spp. for efficient management of phytopathogens
image Antagonistic activity of trichoderma spp. against scytalidium lignicola cmm 1098 and antioxidant enzymatic activity in cassava
image Antagonistic activity of trichoderma spp. against scytalidium lignicola cmm 1098 and antioxidant enzymatic activity in cassava
image Antagonistic activity of trichoderma spp. against scytalidium lignicola cmm 1098 and antioxidant enzymatic activity in cassava
image Antagonistic activity of trichoderma spp. against scytalidium lignicola cmm 1098 and antioxidant enzymatic activity in cassava
image Fungal community in olive fruits of cultivars with different susceptibilities to anthracnose and selection of isolates to be used as biocontrol agents
image Physiological and biochemical responses of mediterranean green crab, carcinus aestuarii, to different environmental stressors: evaluation of hemocyte toxicity and its possible effects on immune response.
image Comparison of the number of daily servings from different food groups in metabolic syndrome patients with the control groups.