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Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (111)
image Protein, carbohydrate and lipid analysis of ficus ficoides (lamarck, 1822) from vanjiure, southeast coast of india
image Comparative studies on biochemical analysis of some economically important marine gastropods along gulf of mannar region, southeast coast of india
image Anti-inflammatory activities of indian fresh water edible mollusca
image   raw materials from snails for food preparation
image Future prospects of genome sequencing
image Novel drug delivery approach in cancer therapy
image Cytotoxic, phytotoxic and insecticidal assessment of the crude extract and fractions of leaves of conyza sumatrensis (retz.) e. walker asteraceae.
image The study of the impact of wastewater from outfall in river ganga, west bengal on the growth and morphological parameters of spinacia oleracea l.
image Heavy metal accumulation by corchorus olitorius l. irrigated with wastewater
image Arsenic and heavy metal (cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel) contamination in plant-based foods
image  ros and oxidative stress in cancer: recent advances
image Ultrasound-mediated cancer therapy as a noninvasive and repeatabletreatment strategy
image Targeted photodynamic therapy as potential treatment modality for the eradication of colon cancer
image Targeted photodynamic therapy as potential treatment modality for the eradication of colon cancer and colon cancer stem cells
image A review of nanoparticle photosensitizer drug delivery uptake systems for photodynamic treatment of lung cancer.
image Indian versus canadian helpful or ganizations structures and policy: a review based on barr's model of health care
image Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicity of an epiphytic medicinal shrub viscum album l. (white berry mistletoe)
image Nutraceutical values of fish demand their ecological genetic studies: a short review
image A study of lipid profile in hypertension
image  research & reviews: journal of medicinal & organic chemistry a study of lipid profile in hypertension