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Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (111)
image  yucca schidigera extract modulates the lead-induced oxidative damage, nephropathy and altered inflammatory response and glucose homeostasis in japanese quails.
image Bioreactivity, guttation and agents influencing surface tension of water emitted by actively growing indoor mould isolates.
image Early events in coccidioidomycosis
image Omega-7 producing alkaliphilic diatom fistulifera sp. (bacillario-phyceae) from lake okeechobee, florida
image Synthesis of epa- and dha-enriched structured acylglycerols at the sn-2 position starting from commercial salmon oil by enzymatic lipase catalysis under supercritical conditions.
image  concentration of epa and dha from refined salmon oil by optimizing the urea⁻fatty acid adduction reaction conditions using response surface methodology.
image Gynodioecy in two iranian endemic thymes: the comparative study on their volatile compounds, cytological and morphological traits
image Balantidium coli in domestic animals: an emerging protozoan pathogen of zoonotic significance.
image Balantidium coli in domestic animals: an emerging protozoan pathogen of zoonotic significance.
image Variants of sars-cov-2 and the death toll
image marjeta u. chemo proteomics, a valuable tool for biomarker and drug discovery. mol biol. 2014;3:e117.