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Research & Reviews: Journal of Food and Dairy Technology : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (186)
image Ismail, h. a. (2019). characterization of milk clotting properties of adult cattle rennet modified with moringa oleifera seeds and its suitability as calf rennet alternative in cheese making. zagazig journal of agricultural research, 46(3), 739-755.
image Ayodeji, a. a., ahure, d., efiong, e. e., & acham, i. o. (2020). production and quality evaluation of cheese from soy and coconut milk using selected coagulants. european journal of nutrition & food safety, 1-12.
image Ayodeji, a. a., ahure, d., efiong, e. e., & acham, i. o. (2020). production and quality evaluation of cheese from soy and coconut milk using selected coagulants. european journal of nutrition & food safety, 1-12.
image Swer, t. l., & chauhan, k. (2019). stability studies of enzyme aided anthocyanin extracts from prunus nepalensis l. lwt, 102, 181-189.
image Balqis, r., putra, a. e., utama, b. i., & helmizar, h. (2018). pengaruh pemberian dadih dengan perubahan jumlah lactobacillus fermentum pada feses ibu hamil. jurnal kesehatan andalas, 7, 42-46.
image Hed, n. (2019). inhibition of coliform bacteria by lactic acid bacteria isolated from. applied mechanics and materials, 886, 57.
image Tangsombatvichit, p., khuenson, n., & matthayom, w. (2021). the nutritional value and antioxidant activities of the developed thai fermented bhutan oyster mushroom (pleurotus eous). naresuan university journal: science and technology (nujst), 30(1), 120-129.
image Uma, h., nandish, m. s., suchitha, y., & thippeswamy, b. (2018). utilization of lactic acid and phosphate solubilizing bacterial consortia for healthy spinach (spinacia oleracea) cultivation. int. j. curr. microbiol. app. sci, 7(7), 2398-2407.
image Rahayu, h. m., & qurbaniah, m. (2019). selection of tempoyak lactic acid bacteria as candidate strain for yoghurt starter culture. biosaintifika: journal of biology & biology education, 11(1), 39-46.
image Kamel, a., el-sayed, a., youssef, b., & amin, s. (2020). antibacterial bioactivity of some lactic acid bacteria isolated from various egyptian products. arab universities journal of agricultural sciences, 28(4), 1117-1130.
image Subagiyo, s., margino, s., triyanto, t., nuraini, r. a. t., setyati, w. a., & pramesti, r. (2016). metode sederhana dan cepat untuk skrining bakteri asam laktat penghasil bakteriosin (antimicrobial peptide) dari intestinum ikan dan udang. buletin oseanografi marina, 5(2), 97-100.
image Guel garcía, g. p., hernández mendoza, j. l., & rodríguez castillejos, g. (2018). uso de bacterias obtenidas a partir de suero de leche y su uso potencial como probióticos en la industria alimentaria. revista boliviana de química, 35(1), 40-45.
image Wittanalai, s., tanruean, k., & mapoong, p. (2019). inhibition of coliform bacteria by lactic acid bacteria isolated from nham hed (fermented mushroom). in applied mechanics and materials (vol. 886, pp. 56-60). trans tech publications ltd.
image Nursyirwani, n., asmara, w., wahyuni, a. e. t. h., triyanto, t., fauzi, m., & muchlisin, z. a. (2017). phenotype and genotype of lactic acid bacteria (lab) isolated from the tiger grouper epinephelus fuscoguttatus alimentary tract. f1000research, 6.
image Anyanwu, n. c. j. s. (2019). microbiological and comparative analysis of indigenous and semi-industrial fermented milk drinks (fura da nono and fura da yoghurt) sold in nigeria’s capital. int. j. bioassays, 8, 5716-5723.
image Anyanwu, n. c. j. s. (2019). microbiological and comparative analysis of indigenous and semi-industrial fermented milk drinks (fura da nono and fura da yoghurt) sold in nigeria’s capital. int. j. bioassays, 8, 5716-5723.